Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cheap and cute? Yes please.

For the first time in my married life, we have two bathrooms in our apartment. My initial thought was, "Oh yay! Another bathroom to decorate and make cute!" Then real life hit me in the face and I remembered we don't really have money to just drop on a bathroom decor project.

So, it has been a slow go with the bathroom. I finally got some hand-towels in there about a month ago. One thing we did have that was exciting was an over the toilet shelf just waiting to be filled with cute decorations! But, what it quickly became was the shelf to put all my decorations that I no longer had room for in the new apartment. So, the decorations are cute yes, but random and sparce.

Here is what I am working with:

Sad right?

So, with that in mind I have been looking and thinking of creative yes, but more importantly cheap ways to find some things to put on there!

I had a brainstorm a few weeks ago and set out on my mission.

The plan: get a cheap frame, spray paint it with a high gloss paint, use scrapbook paper/supplies to create a cute monogram in the frame, and stick it on my sad little shelf.

The result:

The shelf is still in need of some help, but this definitely added a nice touch! I was super pleased with the end result! But was even more excited about the price!

Total cost: $1

Yes, you read that right $1! I found the frame at the dollar store (the real one, not the one where things are more than a dollar) I had the spray paint and the paper, ribbon, and button and voila!

What creative and cheap ways are you decorating your space?

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