Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Hi. My name is Mollie and I am a bad blogger.

I really do think about blogging a lot, like every other day, and then something comes up and two months go by. fail.

Fall was wonderful, winter has made its steady roll in, and now Christmas is just 11 days away. Where oh where does the time go?

So, in the spirit of recap here comes our fall, I will however, save all of my craftiness for later updates! Just because it is more fun that way! but they will probably come at you one after another in the next few days, so be on the look out! Ok, Hogan fall/early winter and go...

My best friend Tay surprised me and flew up for my birthday, this picture is pure best friend bliss.

 My mom and I went to see the So You Think You Can Dance tour!

 We had amazing seats!

 We had a lovely Thanksgiving with family friends!

 The Hogan Christmas tree went up!

I got an early Christmas present and the Hogan's are now plus 1! Meet George!

 This is the home George's dad built for him, snazzy right?!

Oh and we also went to Louisiana to visit family and friends and I took no zero pictures, double fail. So, in a blur of the past two months there you go!

I have been pretty busy crafting though, so more to come on that soon!

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