Tuesday, April 4, 2017


We are in a season of life where it doesn't make sense to add a new person to our family. And yet, God has given me this deep desire that is nagging. Adoption once again is calling and I find myself looking at families that are adopting or have adopted and my heart just aches.

It's a unique pain. Knowing what you are called to do, but knowing the timing isn't right yet. It's also a unique feeling knowing you want to adopt from foster care, knowing that your kids are out there...right this moment. Going through hard times. Going through the painful process that will bring them to you. Oh, how I wish I could scoop them up and comfort them and keep them from the pain. That I could bring them home right this moment and begin to heal their hearts.

But I can't. So I rest in the knowledge that God has his eyes on them. God is caring for them through this pain until they find our arms. Trusting that he will work wonders through this pain in their lives. That he has created them to be strong enough to overcome. That he holds their stories. I can't wait to join the story, but for now, I pray. 

God sees you too. He sees the hope and pain that you carry each day and he carries it with you. You are not alone, he is there with you and so are the rest of us who are waiting. 

Trust is always tested in these seasons of waiting. To trust in God's timing. To trust that he holds my life in his hands. Trusting means letting go of control. Because if I really wanted to I could rip control out of his hands and just move forward, but instead we wait and trust... and wait.

If we tried to move forward with adoption right now the kids God has for us may not be ready yet, and that could mean missing out on the family God has for us. This scenario is such a tangible way to see that there is grace and mercy in the waiting, other seasons of waiting are not so clear.

If you are waiting for healing, direction, forgiveness, understanding, or clarity things are not so simple to see. I pray you will rest in the Father's hands with me and all the others who are waiting. May we find comfort in his grasp and in each other.

If you know someone who is waiting, encourage them. Let them know you see them. That you see the strength with which they face each day. It takes enormous strength to move forward with the everyday when your heart longs for something more.

I see you and God sees you.

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